Ucapan Valentine dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Valentine, Cocok Juga Jadi Status WA

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Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Valentine, Cocok Juga Jadi Status WA
Berikut kumpulan ucapan hari Valentine dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu kirimkan untuk sahabat. Bisa juga jadi status di WhatsApp.

Lumajang (Lumajangsatu.com) - Perayaan Hari Valentine yang jatuh pada Kamis (14/2/2019) hari ini tak melulu harus dirayakan dengan kekasih atau pasangan. Momen perayaan hari kasih sayang ini bisa kamu rayakan bersama sahabat, teman, atau keluarga.

Apalagi jika kamu lebih banyak menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama sahabat.Tak ada salahnya meluangkan waktu sejenak, makan malam, atau berbagi kado dengan sahabat.

Jangan lupa juga untuk mengirimkan ucapan selamat hari Valentine pada mereka. Berikut Lumajangsatu.com rangkumkan ucapan hari Valentine dalam bahasa Inggris yang cocok dikirimkan untuk sahabat, dari serenataflowers.com.

Bisa juga kamu gunakan untuk status di WhatsApp atau media sosial lainnya.

1. Whoever said Valentine’s day is only for lovers? I love you my best friend! Happy Valentine’s day.

2. You have been my friend through thick and thin. I cannot imagine life without you. I love you, my friend. Happy Valentine’s day.

3. Even the most caring and loving partner cannot take the place of a good friend. Thanks for filling the gap in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.

4. Hope your day brings just what you want it to.

5. Thanks for being the loyal and caring [friend] you are. Love you!

6. Here’s to Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.

7. Happy Valentine’s to one of my favorite people. Ever.

8. Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever! Happy Valentine’s day!

9. Valentine’s Day and every day, I’m grateful for you.

10. Through this beautiful text message, I send happy valentine day messages for my friends and family and wish you have a beautiful celebration of the day of love. Have a superb valentine’s day.

11. My friend, you deserve more beautiful love moments in this Valentine’s Day and I wish you celebrate the day lovely. I wish you a happy valentine’s day.

12. You are my dear friend and I love you dearly with all my heart. I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration and you get cherished moments of love.

13. Someday, our princes will come.

14. Wish we could be together swapping chocolates and laughing over candy hearts like we used to.

15. I’ll raise an awesome Valentine’s cocktail for you.16. I don’t need the doctor, you are the medicine that brings happiness to my life. Happy Valentine’s day.

17. I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day. Because you are.

18. Valentine’s Day is much more fun when I get to spend it with you.

19. Friendship is all about understanding. It is all about forgiving. It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry. Moreover, it is about loving unconditionally. Happy Valentine’s day my friend.

20. You are a friend to me, a friend who I would never ever want to lose. I love you more than anything else in this world. Happy Valentine’s day.

21. For my friends and family, I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day celebration and wish you get cherished love-filled moments on this special day of love.

22. May you feel a wealth of love this Valentine’s Day.

23. I feel loved this Valentine’s Day knowing that I have you as a friend.

24. You’re my best friend and my best Valentine!

25. Friendship is all about loving your friend. Dearest friend, you are my strongest pillar and greatest strength. Wishing Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Will love you always.

26. Life is incomplete without a dear friend and you are the one who completes me. Sending you warm wishes on the occasion of Valentine’s Day my dear pal.

27. Thanks for being my friend and my Valentine this year!

28. Sending warm feelings to a great friend this Valentine’s Day.

29. Today my heart beats out for close friends like you who have been understanding, loyal and supportive, every step of the way. Happy Valentine’s Day!

30. I cherish the time that we spend together and know that you are a great Valentine. (ind/red)

Editor : Redaksi

Nama : Naomi Nathanael

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