Kuliner Lumajang

Kopi Buatan Barista BJ Cafe Makin Diminati

Penulis : lumajangsatu.com -
Kopi Buatan Barista BJ Cafe Makin Diminati
Salah satu kopi buatan barista BJ Cafe.

Lumajang - Owner of the Tuku coffee shop, P. Agus acknowledged the sale of milk coffee exceeded the initial target. Coffee blends Baristanya starting to be in great demand among young people to hang out at the cafe.

The man who is familiarly called Agus explained, initially targeting could sell hundreds of glasses of milk coffee every day. Over time, his business grew rapidly. "Alhamdulillah, now thousands of cups have been sold every day," Agus said to Lumajangsatu, Thursday (08/08/2018).

Even so, Agus is reluctant to open up about the turnover he receives each month. He said, the turnover he received could reach hundreds of millions of rupiah per month.

However, Agus did not explain specifically the nominal net income that can be earned from the coffee business. "I just enjoy how I play in this industry anyway. At first I just asked (how business) coffee shop, until now acting as owner," said Agus.

Agus uses local coffee beans to mix the mainstay menus of his coffee shop. Namely Lumajang coffee beans, Bali and Flores. He is also not allergic to imported coffee beans. However, he brought imported coffee only as a comparison with local coffee. "The more choices of coffee, the connoisseurs can compare their taste image," he explained.

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Agus explained his coffee business to the farmers, so they feel more involved. Thus, he can help empower the lives of local farmers.

"The concept that I use is still based on quantity, namely by increasing the number of people drinking coffee in the city. That way, the demand for coffee to farmers is increasing, they can choose to export or just go to the city," he said.

In addition, Agus said he did not think at all if his Coffe business would not be in demand. He believes, coffee is one of the drinks favored by the people of Indonesia.

"Because what I do, according to me is quite functional. Just like clothes, we don't stop buying clothes. As long as I'm present filling people's functional lives, so long as it's needed," he said. (Ind / red)

Editor : Redaksi

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